Monday, May 11, 2009

Living with Seasonal Rains

I thought you might be interested to see what a difference the rainy seasons can make in Kenya. Normally there are two periods of rain - the long rains in April/May and the short rains in November. In between, there is sun and beautiful temperatures usually with highs in the 80s.

Here is what the Ewaso Ng'iro Centre grounds look like in the midst of /after the rains:

Here is the same property in the sunny/dry times:

Yes, it really is that much of a contrast. So you can see why this year much of Kenya is experiencing a drought and loss of livestock as the short rains didn't really come and the long rains are very sporadic right now.

Please pray for rain throughout Kenya.


  1. Wow, that is huge. Gives me a much better perspective on the drought.

  2. Wow it is weird to see that place with grass, one more reason to return I suppose.


